Product Code | Product Name | CAS |
800340 | Acetone Alcohol 50% Solution Decolourizer | N.A |
801740 | Acid Alcohol | N.A |
801790 | Acid Fast Decolourizer | N.A |
801840 | Acid Mixture (Phosphoric Sulphuric) | N.A |
802860 | Alkaline Copper Tartrate Solution (Folin and wu ; Alkaline copper Soln.) | N.A |
803610 | Aluminon Reagent | N.A |
807400 | Barfoed’s Reagent | N.A |
808700 | Barritt Reagent A | N.A |
808710 | Barritt Reagent B | N.A |
808810 | Benedict’s Reagent Qualitative for detection of Sugar in Urine | N.A |
808820 | Benedict’s Reagent Quantitative | N.A |
809500 | Bial’s Reagent for Detection Of Pentoses And Glucoronic Acid | N.A |
810300 | Biuret Reagent | N.A |
811000 | Borsche’s Reagent For detection of Ketones | N.A |
811040 | Bouin’s Fluid (Bouin’s Picro Formal fixing Soln.) | N.A |
819960 | C.S.F. Diluting Fluid | N.A |
25773 | Calcium Hardness Powder | N.A |
814810 | Capsule stain kit | N.A |
25690 | Carbol Xylene For Microscopy (Content 25% Phenol) | N.A |
816010 | Chlorine Test Reagent | N.A |
817500 | Cholesterol Stock Standard solution 0.1% | N.A |
819600 | Creatinine Standard Solution Concentration 0.0099-0.011mg/lit | N.A |
25600 | D.M. Water | 7732-18-5 |
828705 | Diacetyl Monoxine Solution 2% | N.A |
824800 | Diazo Reagent A | N.A |
824810 | Diazo Reagent B | N.A |
827000 | Drabkin’s Solution | N.A |
827020 | Dragendorff’s Reagent | N.A |
829450 | E.D.T.A Caustic Soda Powder (for estimatiion of milk fat by electronic milko tester) | N.A |
829520 | Ehrlich’s Reagent | N.A |
829660 | Eosinophil Diluting Fluid | N.A |
829820 | Esbach’s Reagent | N.A |
834200 | Fehling’s Solution NO. 1 | N.A |
834220 | Fehling’s Solution NO. 2 | N.A |
834730 | Fluorescent stains kit for mycobacteria | N.A |
835020 | Folin & Ciocalteu’s Phenol Reagent | N.A |
835030 | Folin & Ciocalteu’s Phenol Reagent AR Suitable for use in protein determination (2.0 normal) | N.A |
835070 | Folin & Wu’s Alkaline Copper Solution | N.A |
835100 | Folin & Wu’s Phosphate Molybdate Solution | N.A |
835500 | Fouchet’s Reagent for Bile Pigment | N.A |
839440 | Glucose Stock Standard solution 1% | N.A |
840000 | Gower’S Reagent | N.A |
121205 | Indian Ink Used as Stain for Proteins on Nitrocellulose Blotting Membranes | N.A |
850800 | Isotonic Sodium Sulphate Copper Sulphate Solution | N.A |
854100 | Kaiser’S Glycerol Gelatin Solution | N.A |
854500 | Kovac’s Indole Reagent | N.A |
859260 | Lactophenol (Cotton Blue) Solution for Microscopy | N.A |
859280 | Lactophenol (Mountant) Special for Fungi | N.A |
859300 | Lactophenol Picric Acid Solution | N.A |
863340 | Magneson Reagent | N.A |
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