Product Code | Product Name | CAS |
606025 | 1,10-Phenanthroline (Monohydrate) AR Redox Indicator | 5144-89-8 |
606035 | 1,10-Phenanthroline Hydrochloride AR | 18851-33-7 |
516535 | 1,5-Diphenyl Carbazone AR | 538-62-5 |
13053 | 1,5-Diphenyl Carbazide | 140-22-7 |
516525 | 1,5-Diphenyl Carbazide AR | 140-22-7 |
78400 | 1,5-Diphenyl Carbazone | 538-62-5 |
596575 | 3-Nitro Phenol Indicator AR (m-Nitrophenol) | 554-84-7 |
594865 | 4-Nitro Aniline AR for Determination Of Phenol | 100-01-6 |
20076 | a-Naphtholphthalein pH Indicator | 596-01-0 |
4100 | Alizarin Cyanin Green G | 4403-90-1 |
452905 | Alizarin pH indicator AR | 72-48-0 |
452910 | Alizarin Red S AR | 130-22-3 |
13005 | Alizarin Red S pH Indicator | 130-22-3 |
802720 | Alizarin Red Solution 0.1 % w/v (Alizarin alcohol Solution) | N.A |
13006 | Alizarin Yellow GG | 584-42-9 |
453645 | Alizarin Yellow R AR for Microscopy | 2243-76-7 |
4300 | Alkali Blue (6B) (pH Indicator) | 30586-13-1 |
802725 | Alkali Blue (6B) Solution 0.1% in Alcohol | N.A |
802727 | Alkali Blue Solution Indicator for Neutralization and Saponification Number acc. to DIN 51558/559 | N.A |
806250 | Andrade’s Indicator | N.A |
461865 | Barium Diphenylamine Sulphonate AR Redox Indicator | 6211-24-1 |
27200 | Borax Carmine (Grenacher) (powder) (M.S.)Bromo Cresol Green-Methyl Red.Indicator | N.A |
810600 | Borax Carmine Alcoholic Solution | N.A |
810620 | Borax Carmine Aqueous Solution | N.A |
478455 | Cacotheline AR (Redox Indicator) | 561-20-6 |
814520 | Calmagite 0.1% (w/v) Aqueous Indicator Solution for Water Hardness APHA | N.A |
25640 | Dimethyl Yellow Indicator pH 2.9-4.0 Red to Orange Yellow Carcinogenic | 60-11-7 |
522505 | Eriochrome Cyanine R AR | 3564-18-9 |
834360 | Ferroin Indicator Solution 0.1 Wt% in H2 O | N.A |
834369 | Ferroin Indicator Solution in Sulphuric Acid | N.A |
834365 | Ferroin Solution 0.025M AR (Redox Indicator) | N.A |
28406 | Fluorescein | 153954 |
529870 | Fluorescein Complexone AR (Calcein Indicator) | 1461-15-0 |
28409 | Fluorescein Sodium | 518-47-8 |
10910 | Fluorescent F 254 Indicator for TLC | 68611-47-2 |
537695 | Glyoxal Bis-(2-Hydroxyanil) AR Reagent for Calcium & Uranium | 1149-16-2 |
24873 | m-Nitro Aniline (3-Nitro Aniline) Pract | 99-09-2 |
516505 | N,N-Diphenyl Benzidine AR | 531-91-9 |
607005 | n-Phenyl Anthranilic Acid AR redox indicator colourless to Pinkish Violet | 91-40-7 |
593590 | Neotetrazolium Chloride AR | 298-95-3 |
596915 | Nitroso-R-Salt AR Sensitivity to Cobalt 1:1000000 | 525-05-3 |
29341 | o-Nitro Aniline (2-Nitro Aniline) | 88-74-4 |
596545 | o-Nitro Phenol Indicator AR | 88-75-5 |
177845 | Oracet Blue (2R Indicator for Titration in Non-Aqueous Solvent) (C.I. 61110) | 4395-65-7 |
174900 | Oracet Blue B Indicator | 12769-16-3 |
28525 | p-Hydroxy Azobenzene absorption indicator | 1689-82-3 |
150095 | p-Methoxy Azobenzene Absorption Indicator | 2396-60-3 |
29343 | p-Nitro Aniline (4-Nitro Aniline) | 100-01-6 |
596585 | p-Nitro Phenol Indicator AR | 100-02-7 |
604495 | PAN Indicator AR | 85-85-8 |
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